Moments in Algoma: J.W. LeBreton Ross
J.W. LeBreton Ross was Superintending Engineer at the Sault Ste. Marie Canal for 29 years (1907 – 1936). During that time he converted the canal grounds into a welcoming space for citizens of the community. LeBreton Ross was also a driving force behind the formation of the Historical Society (1920) and the Sault Ste. Marie Horticultural Society (1926), contributions that are appreciated to this day.
- Produced by Living History Algoma in partnership with Parks Canada
- LHA Committee producer – W.A. Hamilton
- Director – Jimmie Chiverelli
- Cinematography – Zack Trunzo
- Post Production – Jimmie Chiverelli and Zack Trunzo
- J.W. LeBreton Ross – John Dedes
- Ethel Ross – Jaime Miller
- Friends – Christina Speers and Mike Doherty
- Children – Holden Smith, Rocky Smith, Max Sanguinetti, Arlo Brideau, Emme Speers, Camdyn
Falldien-Walker, Ava Falldien-Walker - Narrator – Helen Petrolo